charts/tape reading

The market doesn't care what I or anyone else says.
The market is the final authority of profits or losses.
That's why it's smart to listen closely to what the market has to say.

One way to look at is ignore noise (news) and focus on charts as the resistance/support/hammer/volume is how the market is saying what it wants to say.

Nuggets of mkt wisdom.

- Plan the trade and trade the plan.
- Things seem darkest just before dawn.
- Be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy.
- Markets advance on a wall of worry and markets decline on a slope of hope.
- The crowd is most enthusiastic when it should be prudent/cautious and most fearful when it should be bold.

- Never let a crisis go to waste.
- Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state(govt). They forget the state(govt) lives at the expense of everyone. 
- The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.